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First World Problems, They are For Real
Emoji Writing
Spinning Jenny
Dec. 29, 2015. From Snabby Cat, The Hibbin’s cat
On the morning of a snowy day, I as Snabby Cat, the most perfect and intelligent out of 6 horrible cats, is going to pull the most amazing prank on Ike. Ike is the most dramatic dog you’ll know, EVER! So, I am going to put a laughing and crazy potion in Ike’s water bowl. which is supposed to make him laugh/ bounce off the walls and go crazy. His owner Mrs. Larue once talked about sending Ike to Igor Brotweiler Canine Academy. If I do this, then he will have to go to obedience school. The next thing he does wrong, Mrs. Larue will have no more patience. Now looking through his window, he is eating Mrs. Larue’s chicken pot pie. Ugh, that cat sister of mine is in love with Ike so obviously she is always with him. I am going to do my little prank on Ike when they are on a date so he will never know I was there. Muwahahahahahah.
My day with 2 famous parents
My mom is a movie star so she is never home and my dad is a millionaire so he has to do his “fancy work”. I as 14 years of age, and stuck with a camera club (rich photographers). Anything I do wrong like drop my phone, they take a picture and post it to the world. I asked them if I could go to the beach and they said yes. I am so sneaky, I’m recording the directions to the beach so I can run away. Why is the question you might ask, I am running away, I’m running away because I never see my parents and two I have no friends. My love for the beach is everlasting. I’m on my dirt bike running away with money to buy me a little beach house and plenty of money for food to last me a year or two. I also used my dad’s credit card for permission to make everyone not even come 10 yards from my house.
California Gold rush
Today I’m moving west! Papa said he is moving west for a homestead. Now I am in a wagon,we are the second family in the wagon train. We have been on the road for hours it seems but I’m rough and tough like the pioneers. I made it through the night. Oh my! There’s a stampede. Indians let our bison loose from our wagon. Okay we are as far west as we can go so that means we are in California. People were not kidding when they said there was a gold rush. Papa sent me and Mama to go search for gold and with any luck we will find some. Here is a little secret, I only came to california to find gold. I am going to be rich. I found five ounces of pure gold. Well I guess my dream of having a log cabin instead of a shack and having clothes instead of old rags is becoming true!
U.S. 1789-1815
MakerSpace Goals
For MakerSpace today I want to accomplish a coloring sheet and make is come to life.